I can't wait until I get my nano! I have to decide if I want red or pink! Decisions...Decisions. It was a ton of work, but what fun I had. Now, what shall I do next. I feel a little lost with out an assignment to do. Don't get me wrong there's still plenty to do.
I forgot that I needed this one so I had to go back!
This was so much easier than Flicker.
This trading card would be great for student project. They could really have a fun time with it. They could make trading cards of historical figures or characters they have been reading about. Really cool.
My kids at school love when I do my Fancy Nancy reading. There is not a week that goes by that someone doesn't call me Fancy Nancy.
The 23 things have been one wild ride! This has been like riding a really big roller coaster.I have really enjoyed the 23 things most of the time, at other times it has been very frustrating & I felt like I would never make progress on some of the tasks. some points have been like the straight parts of the coaster where you have to work to build up some momentum. There have been a couple of times that I thought that I would plummet into the ground.
There have been ups & downs along the way. The high points of this project that I will contine to use and explore are the Google Tools & online productivity tools. I love the idea of having access to my work from any computer & not having to have a disk or flash drive with me. I think that this will be a great tool for students productivity. I really enjoyed Library Thing. I want to go back to it & enter all the info on all of my books. I plan to branch out try a few suggestions. I will be interested to see if they are a good match. I have to say that my abousolute high point was Animoto. I really loved doing that task. You look so totally impressive to everyone when you show that off. The online image generators & mashups were lots of fun too. I know that I will use these to create fun images to use in my marketing of the library. I would have to say that social networking, tagging, & podcasts are going to have to build some momentum & I will have to put work into those, eventually they will grow on me. My plummet into the ground moment has been flikr. It has given me huge grief.
When I began the "ride" of librarianship, the bottom tag under my email stated "The library...More than books". This adventure of 23 things has show that to be abundantly obvious. In the digital age it is so much more than helping kids find books & become readers. It's about finding the information that will help them succeed. They need to leave us knowing where & how to conduct that search.
I wanted to find a photo or video to illustrate this experience in a vivid way. Ignore the fact that this is an ad. Put yourself in the position of little old Six Flags man and you will make the emotional connection. At least I hope that you will.
Creative Commons allows people to borrow, use or change another's work to fit their purpose. You can use just an idea, an image, exact wording or perhaps the format of anothers work if they have published it with a creative commons license. This license lets people know that you don't mind sharing your creation, perhaps just certain parts or the entire thing, you would just like a little credit for your work. You don't even need written permission to use the work.
The not Disney movie that we watched is an excellent example of cc. The movie producers took tiny snippets of the movie & and remixed them to create their tale of copyright ins & outs.
I still am fuzzy on how one uses cc correctly. I'm pretty sure that Animoto uses cc on the songs & picture montages that they create. I'm sure that as time marches on I will come to a better understanding of Creative Commons.