Things are changing. Web 2.0 is here and we need to know how to navigate it. Library 2.0 is coming our way too. In the article refering to Icebergs we are facing librarians have to embrace change while not turning their backs on what we know & do best. We have to continue to help access information that our students need. The term "just in case" collection really made me stop & think about my collection development. what do I really need to purchase? With all of the information that is availible on the web it is not necessary to purchase books that will be rarely used. There are other resources in other formats that can be found for those rare uses.
The 23 Things is a challenging experience for me. I have learned so much. I have done lots work at my Mom's house on the weekends. Tonight we had a short & frustrating conversation.
Mom - Tell me again...Why are you doing this?
Me- We are looking at all of the different online tools & learning how they are used.I can understand how my students are relating in the wolrd around them. Also,we are trying to figure out how these tools can be used in the library to help students learn.
Mom-What do you do in facebook & Ning?...
I explain networking with other professionals, finding old friends, making new ones.
Mom-Why do you want to do that? Do you ever meet?
I couldn't help her see that the way that people are connecting & communicating has changed. That you can have a friendship & exchange ideas without ever meeting face to face.
I feel like I'm learning so many new things & I want to have a chance to go back & explore them on a deeper level.